Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Kirkwood Self Storage located?
Kirkwood Self Storage is located at 3680 Kirkwood Hwy, Wilmington, DE 19808. We are located behind Panera Bread on Kirkwood Hwy.
How do I rent a unit?
You may "RESERVE" your unit or "MOVE IN" your unit directly through our website.
How do I gain access into the facility?
Our website will generate a door code for you once you have created an account. You have 24hr access to your storage unit with your door code.
Do you sell boxes or have any moving equipment?
We do not offer boxes at this time but we do offer dollies and carts for your assistance.
Is the facility safe?
Our facility is fully indoors and under 24-hour video surveillance.

My code isnt working at the front door, what do I do?
Make sure you are pushing (*) before your code and a (#) after your code. Example- *XXXXXX# If you are still having issues, please call 302-842-8824.

What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept all major credit cards- Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express. We do not accept cash or personal checks at this time.
Do you have a loading dock?
Yes, we do as well as a garage door for easier loading and unloading.
Am I required to store long-term?
We provide flexible month-to-month lease options. Store with us short or long-term.
Do you provide a lock for my unit?
No, you would provide your own lock.
Do I have to have insurance on the unit?
Yes, insurance is mandatory. We offer multiple options in coverage. Plans start as low as $7.95/month. If you have private insurance please provide a copy of the policy prior to moving in.
Can I see the unit prior to reserving to make sure it is the correct size?
Yes, of course you can. We prefer to do showings between normal business hours 8-4 Monday through Friday, but will make adjustments when needed. Our website has a feature called Size Suggestion. The website will suggest the best size based on the items you listed that you wanted to store.

What is the difference between the 5X10 unit and the 10X5 unit? Are they the same square foot?
Yes, they are both the same square feet but the shape of the unit is different. The 10X5 is wider than the 5X10. The 5X10 is longer than the 10X5. It would depend on what you what to store to determine what size works best.